3A Institute launches Master of Applied Cybernetics program for 2021
The 3A Institute (3Ai) is recruiting students for its experimental Masters program to help incubate the intellectual framework of a new branch of engineering. The Master of Applied Cybernetics is the flagship program of 3Ai, the world’s first graduate program focusing on the challenges of ensuring Ai-enabled cyber-physical systems are safe, sustainable and responsible.
Entry is by competitive application only, and numbers are strictly limited to under 20. Students are selected on a cohort basis to represent a mix of backgrounds, experiences and demographics.
The 3Ai is also home to John Monash Scholars with Research Lead Dr Katherine Daniell (2005) and Research Fellow Dr Amy McLennan (2009). “The 3Ai community and John Monash Scholars have a lot in common: We collaborate with others from all fields of endeavour, are building new capabilities to address complex national and global challenges, and have a shared sense of responsibility to future generations of Australians," says Amy.
Amy and Katherine regularly collaborate together at 3Ai. "Amy and I have both had the exciting job, along with the rest of the 3Ai team, in designing and teaching this new transdisciplinary field into existence," says Katherine, "Like the Monash Scholars family, the 3Ai community is expanding and diversifying every year, and we can't wait to welcome a new collection of students into the ambitious program!"
3Ai is prototyping a new approach to education. Education that builds on existing core strengths in computer science and engineering, by drawing on design ethnography, critical studies of science and technology, philosophy, history, business strategy, and more.
Successful applicants will help shape the future. 3Ai students are contributing to the creation of a new type of practitioner equipped to deal with the challenges of emerging cyber-physical systems that are profoundly transforming the nature of work, the built environment and our daily lives. In the spirit of immersive design, students will inform iterations of the program, creating and refining the blueprint for a new branch of engineering.
"This will be the 3rd prototype of the 3Ai Masters program, which has the objective of training future intellectual leaders and practitioners in a new branch of engineering," says Katherine, "Every 3Ai Masters cohort is diverse and different, building on the work of the previous one and our 3Ai research to take AI-powered cyber-physical systems safely, responsibly and sustainably to scale."