2006 John Monash Scholar Dr Aruna Sathanapally appointed as CEO of the Grattan Institute
08 January 2024
The Grattan Institute has announced the next CEO of the public policy think tank will be 2006 John Monash Scholar Dr Aruna Sathanapally.
Currently, Aruna is an Executive Director at the NSW Treasury.
Aruna will commence her role in late February 2024, becoming the third CEO of Institute that will see Danielle Wood depart to a new position as Chair of the Productivity Commission.
Aruna has previously served two terms as the Legal Advisor to the federal parliamentary Joint Committee of Human Rights, and the head of the Sydney office of the Human Rights Law Centre. Prior to being called to the Bar, Aruna was a government lawyer on Australia’s defence team in the international tobacco plain packaging litigation, and a consultant in regulatory strategy at McKinsey & Co in London.