27th March 2020
2016 Roden Cutler NSW John Monash Scholar Dr Harrison Steel leading the way in fighting COVID-19
Engineer and Inventor Dr Harrison Steel is working on two ground-breaking projects to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Harrison is part of a team of scientists at Oxford University who have developed an easy-to-use test that gives results in half an hour – over three times faster than the current method.
Harrison is also part of an interdisciplinary team from Oxford University and King’s College London leading the electrical design of a low-cost prototype ventilator that can be quickly assembled in small labs or workshops amid the COVID19 shortage. The team anticipate that manufacture could begin across the UK within 2-3 weeks.
2019 Susan and Isaac Wakil Scholar Jessie Smith Writes in The Conversation on Far-Right Extremism
Jessie Smith is one of Australia's expert voices on counter-terrorism and deradicalisation. Writing in The Conversation, Jessie explains key differences between Australian and UK Governments in handling growing far-right hate groups and what next steps Australia needs to take to tackle this problem.
2005 John Monash Scholar Dr Katherine Daniell writes for IFGR on Australia's water management future
Dr Katherine Daniell is one of the leading experts in Australia’s water resources, a topic of importance for Australia’s future sustainability. Katherine has written an in-depth editorial featured by IFGR (Initiatives for the Future of Great Rivers) on what Australia faces as water and ecological system limits are reached. Katherine is currently an Associate Professor in the Fenner School of Environment & Society and the Research Lead at the 3A Institute - the ANU's first innovation institute with the mission of building a new applied science to 'manage the machines'.
John Monash Scholars Staying In and Catching Up Around the World
Our John Monash Scholars have been catching up online, keeping connected with each other and positive around the world. These online catchups show the strength and unity of the John Monash community in supporting each other throughout these challenging times.
Picture: John Monash Scholars in Australia, The United Kingdom and the United States
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