Mr Mark Shelton
Zelman Cowen John Monash Scholar
Masters of Science
Management Science & Engineering
Stanford University
United States of America
Maths and Science, Business and Economics
Entrepreneurship, Software Engineering, Product Management, Venture Capital
Mark is a Product Manager at Microsoft. He studied a Master of Science in Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University, with a focus on tech strategy, entrepreneurship and venture capital. Mark holds a BPhil (Hons) in Computer Science from The University of Western Australia. Mark was awarded the Australian Computer Society 1962 Prize as the best ICT graduate in WA, and the WA Information Technology and Telecommunications Alliance Peter Fillery Prize for his Honours thesis, AutoVC: Automated Venture Capital Screening. From 2013 to 2017, Mark led Bloom, a non-profit he co-founded that provides young entrepreneurs with mentoring, workshops, and co-working space. He was also a founding Director of StartupWA and a leading advocate for the Western Australian startup ecosystem.