Dr. Benjamin Mylius
Murray-Darling Basin Authority John Monash Scholar
Political Science
Yale Law School and Columbia University
United States
Political Science, Energy and Environment
Law, environmental philosophy, jurisprudence, legal theory, political theory, political philosophy, teaching, creative writing, philosophy, US politics
Ben Mylius is an Australian teacher, lawyer, and writer. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at The McCoy Family Centre for Ethics at Stanford University. Ben completed his Ph.D. in Environmental Political Theory at Columbia and his LLM at Yale Law School after his undergraduate studies in Australia. His work revolves around climate, storytelling, and imagination. Currently he is working on a book-length project exploring different tools communities can use to imagine their own just, resilient, and dynamic climate futures. Ben was the founder of the Columbia Climate Imaginations Network (now the NYC Climate Imaginarium - climateimaginarium.org) and in addition to his academic work is an enthusiastic fiction writer and ceramicist.