Associate Professor Davis McCarthy
John Monash Scholar
Genome, statistics
United Kingdom
Maths and Science, Medicine and Health
Genomics, Statistics, Bioinformatics
Davis is a statistician and genomic scientist and currently Head of the Bioinformatics and Cellular Genomics group at St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research and the University of Melbourne. Graduating as the top-ranked student in statistics, Davis earned a Bachelor of Science with Honours (first-class) and a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in German) from the University of Melbourne. In 2015 he completed his DPhil in Statistics in the Department of Statistics and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford. He was also the President of the Balliol College MCR. Under the supervision of Professor Peter Donnelly he worked on the analysis of genomic variation in human health and disease, with a focus on understanding the genetic contributions to risk for type 2 diabetes. He undertook postdoctoral work with Dr Oliver Stegle in the Statistical Genomics group at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in Cambridge, UK, as an NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow. There, he worked on understanding genetic regulation of human induced pluripotent stem cells at the single-cell level. His interests lie in developing statistical methods and software for the analysis of single-cell genomic data and applying them to large biological datasets.
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