Dr. Victoria Cox
Chairman's Circle John Monash Scholar
MPhil in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation
Public health
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Medicine and Health
Social policy, health systems, Indigenous health.
Victoria has an MBBS and BMedSci with 1st Class Honours from the University of Adelaide. She is a former SA Open Breastroke Champion and is an internationally recognised open water swimmer. She is interested in health systems reform and committed to working with disadvantaged populations in Australia. She has worked extensively throughout the Northern Territory with a focus on paediatric heart and skin diseases and has also worked at the World Health Organisation in Geneva.
Victoria conducted the MPhil in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation at the University of Oxford between 2016-2018. She focused on learning about the development and implementation of community healthcare programs and is committed to long-term generational change in Indigenous health. Her thesis focused on the impact of digital health interventions in different socioeconomic patient groups.
In 2020 she undertook fieldwork and public health research on scabies and other Neglected Tropical Diseases in West Africa as a visiting research fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Harvard University. Victoria is currently a Resident Medical Officer and Registrar at Royal Darwin Hospital.
Victoria is an accomplished sportswoman and was the first Australian to complete the 'triple crown' of open water swimming (the English Channel, Catalina Channel Swim and Manhattan Island Marathon Swim) within one season in 2017. Whilst at Oxford Victoria was Junior Dean at Jesus College, President of the Oxford University Australia New Zealand Society (OUANZ) and achieved a Full Blue in Swimming.