Dr. Damon Binder
Chairman's Circle John Monash Scholar
Theoretical Physics
United States of America
Maths and Science
Theoretical Physics Mathematics Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
Damon is a senior research scholar at the Future of Humanity Institute, which is part of the University of Oxford. He studies questions pertaining to the long-term future of humanity, and, in particular, existential threats to humanity. These are catastrophic events that could cause human extinction, such as the malicious or accidental misuse of advanced artificial intelligence systems, or the development and use of nuclear and biological weapons. He hopes to better understand these threats, in order to help mitigate them. Damon has a PhD in theoretical physics from Princeton University, where he studied highly symmetric quantum field theories and quantum gravity, and a Bachelor of Science from the Australian National University. When not researching, he enjoys running, cooking, reading history books, and making historical recipes.