Mr Dylan Sherman
BHP John Monash Scholar
Dphil in Engineering Science
Multifunctional nano materials for alternative energies
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Maths and Science
Nano materials (metal-organic frameworks), intellectual property and environmental law
Dylan holds a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) with the University Medal and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Sydney. He is currently reading a DPhil in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford to investigate the application of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for sustainable energy alternatives as a first step towards leading global policy development to begin fuelling the world from clean energy and materials. As a nano-materials chemist, Dylan’s research to date has been published in international peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Communications, and presented at international conferences in the field of MOFs. In the legal sector, Dylan has worked at Clayton Utz and captained the world champion Australian team at the 2018 INC Negotiations Competition in Tokyo. Passionate about education, Dylan is actively engaged in increasing access to enrichment and STEM programs as a board member of the Future Problem Solving Program International, founder of the workshop program Designing Minds and previous leader, now advisor, of the da Vinci Decathlon. These programs encourage problem solving and creative thinking through the lens of multidisciplinary thinking to leverage the knowledge of science towards actionable solutions for change. Dylan is also a multi-national champion percussionist and enjoys orienteering through Australia’s diverse natural landscapes.