Mr Ryan Parker
Chairman's Circle John Monash Scholar
PhD in Physics
Quantum Sensing and Computing
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
Maths and Science
Quantum Computing, Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science.
Graduating from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Science, Ryan will be furthering his studies by undertaking a PhD at Cambridge University’s Atomic, Optical and Meso-physics group. Whilst at Cambridge, Ryan will extend upon his current research efforts in physics focusing on quantum-technology. Ryan will be working on developing the next generation of highly advanced computers and sensors to support the work of other scientists across many fields. Ryan’s biggest aspiration is that his quantum-technology will advance Australia’s efforts in national-security, weather modelling and the curing of diseases, amongst other fields. Additionally, Ryan hopes that his experience in England will help increase the research collaborations between the two countries. When he returns, Ryan plans to continue his work in Australia and share his work with upcoming, young, scientists by continuing to deliver the outreach programs he has been developing to regional schools across the country.